poniedziałek, 18 lutego 2013

ZG-bike project w mediach / ZG-bike project in the media

English translation -below.

W poprzednim poście (czyli tutaj) znalazł się zapis audycji radiowej poświęconej projektowi rowerowemu. Dziś - czas na słowo pisane - ukazał się bowiem artykuł w "Gazecie Wyborczej". Do odczytania tutaj albo na załączonym obrazku (można kliknąć w obrazek by go powiększyć).

Od kilku dni napływają maile, zdjęcia, historie. Do rowerowego grona dołączają wciąż nowe osoby: kolarze, trialowcy, uczestnicy triathlonu i pasjonaci - po prostu. Odzew z Waszej strony jest naprawdę spory, zapowiada się nieźle i jest w czym wybierać. 

 Na wszystkie wiadomości odpowiadam, za wszystkie bardzo dziękuję! :)


In last post (here) appeared a record of broadcast about bike project. Today it's time for the written word - an article in "Gazeta Wyborcza". It's also in polish but the most important parts are translated below.

For several days mails, photos, stories are coming to me. A lot of new people joined to this bicycle team: trial riders, participants of triathlon and people with bicycle passion - just like that. The response from you is really big, is going to be good and there's a lot of materials to choose from.

 I reply to all messages, thank you very much for all! :)

Parts of article:

This album will be pretty crazy, because among us they are not only Sunday cyclists, but also fierce riders, mountain "stuntmen" and fixed gear guys.

The bicycle project makes Magda
Kościańska, a young graphic artist. She is the author of the Magic Suitcase - online blog full of drawings, sketches and prints. The second, equally important hobby are bikes. She travels across Zielona Gora on a blue bike with white dots, even when it's snowing.

- For 1.5 years I lived in Wroclaw. I got to know the local way of life and opportunities for cycling in Wroclaw cyclists communication. It looks better than in our town. After returning to Zielona Góra enthusiasm of daily rides dropped down. Many people here do not treat cyclists as equal road users! They often don't see that bike can be a good way of transportation - but only a way of recreation. Too bad - says Magda.

I came up with "ZG - project bike". It has come to the people, who, like those of the great cities of Europe are working out freeride, dirt jumping and downhill.


Every day she's drawing, making new plans and looking for the next bike enthusiasts. One of them is Rafał Głód, freerider from Zielona Góra. Rafał works out in five years (...). He rides with he's crew on the Piastowskie Hills, in Bytom Odrzański and Głogów. In the summer they were going to the mountains. - It gives you a lot of adrenaline. Once you start, it's hard to stop. Unfortunately, the downhill is not popular, so there is still a lack of good bikeparks in Poland - Rafal sums.

He sent some pictures to Magda and wrote some text about cycling downhill. He became the face of a promotional album. - Cycling culture can only gain on this album. More people will get on the bike. And that's the point! - Says Rafał.

Do you have a passion for cycling? You can also find yourself in the album. Write to Magda: magic00suitcase@gmail.com.

[Text: Agata Źrałko]

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